McIntosh Stereo Amplifier

stDo any of my readers have a McIntosh stereo receiver?  In particular model MA5200.  If so, please drop me an email.  I have seriously been considering purchasing one and have a couple of questions for someone who actually owns a McIntosh amplifier.  I had the opportunity to hear the wonderful sound and power that these things put out and really want one.  The price is the biggest hurdle right now.  Not sure how I can justify this purchase with the wife.

One thought on “McIntosh Stereo Amplifier”

  1. Hello Matt,
    Came across your website today while perusing the Internet. Clicked on “Stereo HIFI Components”, and was surprised to see listed a McIntosh MA8900, along with your interests in the McIntosh line of what most audiophiles consider to be the best of the best.
    Though I don’t own the MA8900, (pictured) or the MA5200 (you particularly mentioned), I do own the MC207 Seven Channel Power Amplifier. Weighing in at 85lbs. , this 200 watt times seven channel beast is my audio pride and joy.
    I purchased it used and in immaculate condition on eBay for about $3000, some two years back, picking it up personally from a local seller. I still get goose bumps every time I switch it on and see those three iconic McIntosh blue VU Meters.
    To be clear, the MC207 is a stand alone seven channel solid state amplifier.
    Your article mentioned your interest in McIntosh receivers and amplifiers, both integrated and stand alone, where one needs to add a pre amp.
    I sympathize with your misgivings about the price. McIntosh’s prices are silly ridiculous. However, buy used and save a bundle. Just know, who, what & how about your purchase.
    Lastly, whenever I read audio articles about hi end audio I proverbially come across the husband’s concern of is it “wife proof”, ie., “YOU WANT TO SPEND HOW MANY THOUSAND DOLLARS ON AN AMPLIFIER, THAT YOU NEED TO SPEND ANOTHER XXX AMOUNT FOR A PREAMP JUST TO MAKE IT WORK”? ARE YOU NUTS? MY WEDDING RING COSTED LESS!! Coupled with, (once you finagled and your purchase and snuck it past your wife) , “TURN THAT F***ING MUSIC DOWN!!!”
    And of course there are the neighbors.
    So if you ask me is a “McIntosh” purchase worth it? I can only say, ABSOLUTELY!!! I would tolerate the wrath of god to own a McIntosh!
    Feel free to email me any questions regarding my McIntosh experience.
    Sincerely, David C. Webb.

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